Saturday, September 20, 2008
whoa. yeah its been like a month since i blog. haha. been to damn lazy to do it.so last see. the last days of august. i guess they were okay. nothing much really happen.but september haha. it was goodthe first week went by. had a suprise like little gathering for brandon's birthday. so i baked him browines and yeah we had fun.sorry for being so vague. my memory span is a bit fuzzy at the moment. maybe it's the lack of sleep and food. anyway continuing on.its is a month to go to the CONCERT. im soo stressed. i have this horrible nightmares. i'll list them for you- i am going to get on stage and forget my lines.- my make-up is going to run because i've been sweating because of the spotlight and i'm going to look like i've been crying.- i am going to sing the wrong song for that sceneand there are many more. so i wont bore you.so this past weeks has been good.FRIENDSmy friends had great moments, but there is really no point like mentioning them because it's like your had to be there kinda thing or you have to be in our group to get the joke. i think we should be medicated cause we come up with the wierdest and craziest shit ever. well that's is my friends and thats why i love them :]. FAMILY family. everything has been good i guess. only one upset so far. because mum was pissed off when she found out i will not be taking my grade 2 exam this year. but i dont really care cause even my piano teacher said that the students to started around the same time as me arent doing their exams this year. GUYSwell there are two guys that i love ( as a friends so dont freak out) and who i trust the most and always there for me.well one of them, we will call him dan. well even thought there is like a age gap. we get along great. well he told me that last week i wont be seeing him when i go back. and i think the convo went something like this:sammi: why won't i be seeing you?dan: got better stuff to do.sammi: better stuff to do then hang out with your childhood friend?dan: yeah.sammi : dude. you know how upset i am now.dan: sorry i didnt meant it like that. i just dont go to new years eve party and the outings we have with the whole gang. like we had when you were back here. anymore.sammi: so, we can still hang out. not just at news eve. we can just go just like the us and a couple more people.dan: i dont think you want to hang out with me.and thats how the convo end. and he hasnt talked to me since. you know who you are. come online. i miss you dude!another sitution. also about a guy, we will call him marc. i havent spoken to him in 2 weeks. and i miss him.i miss our daily conversations on msn and just talking about everything. come online!i think this me staying in australia is not working out me man. i really feel like moving back to singapore. but i know i cant cope with the education process and i have to pick up chinese again!! i mean in p3 i got band 2 if i studied hard and had tution twice a week. the really reason is that i miss the BEST FRIEND SOO MUCH. and i feel like that every month that passes by, we are growing apart and that i going to lose her soon. also all my childhood friends i feel the same way. i want to go back NOWWW! so alex. 92 days :]
Saturday, September 20, 2008
whoa. yeah its been like a month since i blog. haha. been to damn lazy to do it.so last see. the last days of august. i guess they were okay. nothing much really happen.but september haha. it was goodthe first week went by. had a suprise like little gathering for brandon's birthday. so i baked him browines and yeah we had fun.sorry for being so vague. my memory span is a bit fuzzy at the moment. maybe it's the lack of sleep and food. anyway continuing on.its is a month to go to the CONCERT. im soo stressed. i have this horrible nightmares. i'll list them for you- i am going to get on stage and forget my lines.- my make-up is going to run because i've been sweating because of the spotlight and i'm going to look like i've been crying.- i am going to sing the wrong song for that sceneand there are many more. so i wont bore you.so this past weeks has been good.FRIENDSmy friends had great moments, but there is really no point like mentioning them because it's like your had to be there kinda thing or you have to be in our group to get the joke. i think we should be medicated cause we come up with the wierdest and craziest shit ever. well that's is my friends and thats why i love them :]. FAMILY family. everything has been good i guess. only one upset so far. because mum was pissed off when she found out i will not be taking my grade 2 exam this year. but i dont really care cause even my piano teacher said that the students to started around the same time as me arent doing their exams this year. GUYSwell there are two guys that i love ( as a friends so dont freak out) and who i trust the most and always there for me.well one of them, we will call him dan. well even thought there is like a age gap. we get along great. well he told me that last week i wont be seeing him when i go back. and i think the convo went something like this:sammi: why won't i be seeing you?dan: got better stuff to do.sammi: better stuff to do then hang out with your childhood friend?dan: yeah.sammi : dude. you know how upset i am now.dan: sorry i didnt meant it like that. i just dont go to new years eve party and the outings we have with the whole gang. like we had when you were back here. anymore.sammi: so, we can still hang out. not just at news eve. we can just go just like the us and a couple more people.dan: i dont think you want to hang out with me.and thats how the convo end. and he hasnt talked to me since. you know who you are. come online. i miss you dude!another sitution. also about a guy, we will call him marc. i havent spoken to him in 2 weeks. and i miss him.i miss our daily conversations on msn and just talking about everything. come online!i think this me staying in australia is not working out me man. i really feel like moving back to singapore. but i know i cant cope with the education process and i have to pick up chinese again!! i mean in p3 i got band 2 if i studied hard and had tution twice a week. the really reason is that i miss the BEST FRIEND SOO MUCH. and i feel like that every month that passes by, we are growing apart and that i going to lose her soon. also all my childhood friends i feel the same way. i want to go back NOWWW! so alex. 92 days :]
Mater Dei College