on saturday. netball. wasn't that exciting because we always trash this team. so they ball doesn't really come near the defense. so like 40 % of the time i was there talking to emma. cause we kept scoring. so in the end the score was 33- 2. when home and pretty much just like lazed about. haha. i was suppose to do homework but instead. i played halo. how productive am i :] yesterday went to church. then went to have lunch. then went home and waited for darcie and jamie to come over. so they arrive and we went out for dinner. after like watching rove and juno we decide to do something. because halo got boring and it was still pretty early. so we decide to drink something. so ben and jamie wiped up. gin and some orange juice. YUM YUM. it was really good. but then jamie decided after finish that. to have gin and chocolate milk. he drank 3 cups. NOT SO YUM. then we.. the four amigos just talking about really random stuff. then we put pirates of the caribbean on. and we all fall asleep straight away. gin makes you dozy. so we had a pupil free day. so me and darcie when to marcs house. cause its his birthday. so we bused it to JOONDALUP shops. and had lunch. marc ghosted 2 people. met met with cinta.abby.leah. jenni. we bought marc his birthday present :] we got him 2 gold fish. haha. yeah. he was soo happy. until he found out that one of his gold fish is like half blind. but he going to be a proud fish owner. his first time having a pet.i would have like had lots of photos of this day but.. i forgot the camera. SORRY MARC
on saturday. netball. wasn't that exciting because we always trash this team. so they ball doesn't really come near the defense. so like 40 % of the time i was there talking to emma. cause we kept scoring. so in the end the score was 33- 2. when home and pretty much just like lazed about. haha. i was suppose to do homework but instead. i played halo. how productive am i :] yesterday went to church. then went to have lunch. then went home and waited for darcie and jamie to come over. so they arrive and we went out for dinner. after like watching rove and juno we decide to do something. because halo got boring and it was still pretty early. so we decide to drink something. so ben and jamie wiped up. gin and some orange juice. YUM YUM. it was really good. but then jamie decided after finish that. to have gin and chocolate milk. he drank 3 cups. NOT SO YUM. then we.. the four amigos just talking about really random stuff. then we put pirates of the caribbean on. and we all fall asleep straight away. gin makes you dozy. so we had a pupil free day. so me and darcie when to marcs house. cause its his birthday. so we bused it to JOONDALUP shops. and had lunch. marc ghosted 2 people. met met with cinta.abby.leah. jenni. we bought marc his birthday present :] we got him 2 gold fish. haha. yeah. he was soo happy. until he found out that one of his gold fish is like half blind. but he going to be a proud fish owner. his first time having a pet.i would have like had lots of photos of this day but.. i forgot the camera. SORRY MARC
Mater Dei College